Safeguarding children and adults at risk

RLSS UK Safeguarding Leaflet and Code of Conduct

RLSS UK and Gravesham Life Saving Club is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk and expects everyone involved in RLSS UK activity to share this commitment.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. It is everyone’s responsibility to be proactive in promoting good practice and creating a supportive environment. It is also everyone’s responsibility to pass on any concerns in relation to questionable conduct.

Worried about a child or adult at risk?

All reports or enquiries concerning the welfare of a child or adult at risk must go straight to the Club Safeguarding Officer Caroline Leggatt or Andy Griggs via Private message on Facebook, or email or the Branch Safeguarding Officer as the first port of call. If unavailable, contact the Safeguarding Case Officer and/or the Designated Safeguarding Lead/Deputy Designated Leads at RLSS UK HQ on 0300 3230 096 and follow the prompts.

For out of hours support contact 0300 3230 096 option 0.

If a child or an adult at risk is in immediate danger, DO NOT DELAY, call the Police on 999.

If you need to report any concerns use the REACT, RECORD, REPORT three step procedure.